I would say if I were Spanish «La loquilandia en Sanchistán»
by Karin Silvina Hiebaum
We are already living in ‘Goose Soup’, with a Groucho-like president, who makes a diplomatic fuss just because he is sweating ink over his wife’s shenanigans.
I am Karin Silvina Hiebaum, Editor and Correspondent for more media in Europe. I was born in Argentina. I have been involved in geopolitical analysis for a long time, and by combining my studies of Psychology and Foreign Relations, I complement my experiences in these geopolitical and socio-cultural analyses. I am grateful to constantly receive economic information from great economists that help me to complement my articles and analyses.
Sánchez T. Firefly, the protagonist of Sopa de Ganso, faced his wife’s case this Wednesday in Congress. So it was urgent to muddy the field, distract, create smokescreens and try to clean up the name of the intervener before the session.
The first preventive measure: to make a histrionic chicken at the expense of a phrase by Milei at a rally in Madrid, in which he attacked Sánchez’s wife, a private individual mired in the courts. The spectacle has reached the point of urgently repatriating the Spanish ambassador. And also «definitively», according to the aforementioned Albares (a character who, with his recitals of petulance, persists in making accurate the alias with which my colleague Ramón Pérez-Maura nicknames him: «Napoleonchu»).
Is our eventual foreign minister saying that Spain will never again have an ambassador in such a beloved and important country just because Milei has called Gómez «corrupt»? When the most blind servility is embraced, it sometimes borders on the foolish.
Second preventive measure before the congressional session: pass on to the regime’s official newspaper a report by the UCO, which nobody has seen except this newspaper, in order to proclaim loud and clear that the investigators exonerate Begoña of any guilt. The report is under seal of secrecy. The parties have no access to it. Therefore, only the Guardia Civil, the Interior or the judge himself could have leaked it to the camera newspaper. Who do you see as more willing to give their all for Sánchez T. Firefly?
- – Mrs Gómez, Sánchez T. Firefly’s wife, wrote letters in favour of the company of a friend who supported her in her professorship at the Complutense and then – oh, by chance – that friend’s firm received the biggest public contract in the history of the company from the Government. The Government awarded contracts for 138,000 to the consultancy firm Inmark Europa, with the president’s wife as a shareholder of the company. 3. -Sánchez gave almost one hundred thousand euros of public money to a project against depopulation in which his own wife participated, within the framework of a platform called G-100.
In other words, regardless of what the judge decides, in a normal democracy such a clear case of influence peddling would have already brought the president to justice. But we live in the always pleasant Sachistan, where common sense is overwhelmed by the unprecedented saga of the intrepid Sánchez T. Firefly. As a sample, let us review some of yesterday’s quotes from the eminent diplomat Albares:
- «We are in an unprecedented case in diplomatic relations between countries». Neither the Sudeten crisis, nor the invasion of Poland, nor Pearl Harbor. There has been nothing comparable in history to Milei’s grave offence by calling a woman accused of corruption «corrupt» and who is in court for it.
-A foreign president has come to another country and insulted its institutions». It is time to tinker with the Constitution, because in addition to the head of state, the government, the parliament and the high courts, we have a new state «institution»: María Begoña.
-We offered her all our hospitality in good faith». Optimistic way of looking at it, with two vice-presidents, Ribera and Diaz, slugging it out with Milei at their Saturday rallies and Sánchez himself making dismissive comments. Not to mention that the entire left, including the government, have been branding him a «fascist» since he made himself known (thus demonstrating a supreme ignorance, since he is an anti-state liberal, while fascism is statist to the core).
-Sunday in front of Milei was the moment to defend Spain». Typical reasoning of any autocratic regime: the country is me, democracy is me. According to the government, all parties and the media have an obligation to support Sánchez in his mendacious severing of relations with Argentina.
They have an obligation to support Sánchez in his mendacious severing of relations with Argentina.
I could have done without this article. It would have been shorter and more eloquent to recall a quote from the great Groucho in the hilarious comedy Goose Soup, where he takes on the impish and madcap president Rufus T. Firefly. There is a scene in which Rufus addresses one of his subordinates in the following terms: «Remember, you’re fighting for this woman’s honour. Which is probably more than she’s ever done».
Once again, Sanchistan plagiarises the wildest fiction.
Friends of the satraps and ready to insult Milei
This absurd crisis with Argentina, initiated by the left, is the fruit of a lousy diplomacy full of dogmatic hatreds.
In Spain, we have a prime minister who is extremely accommodating to the demands of the King of Morocco, the head of a system that is far from being a democracy (tougher observers than me would even speak of a satrapy, with a monarchy that profits extravagantly from its own people). We have a former prime minister, Zapatero, now a figurehead in the PSOE Sanchista, who operates as a manifesto whitewasher of Maduro’s narco-dictatorship. We have a Prime Minister who, with a clumsy and noxious opportunism, is giving Hamas a hard time with his invectives against Israel and who is photographed delighted with life with Palestinian leaders who are dabbling in corruption and postulate ways of life that are antagonistic to our own. We have a government that of course raises no major objection to Arab absolutist monarchies, or to the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.
But that same president and that same PSOE have decided to get all uppity with the liberal leader Javier Milei, whom they began to insult with the most contemptuous epithets as soon as he showed his head as a candidate.
We have a Prime Minister who did not inform the head of state, the opposition, Parliament or his own partners of his momentous turnaround in the Sahara… But now he is theatrically asking for their help on a Sunday afternoon because at a rally in Madrid, where he was speaking in a private capacity, the Argentine leader called Begoña Gómez «corrupt» without mentioning her by name (which reflects the portrait that the most prestigious international press is painting of her these days).
The iniquity against Milei came to a head when Sanchismo’s chief whipping boy, Óscar Puente, accused the Argentine president of taking drugs, thus opening an absurd diplomatic crisis, which the Argentine president himself closed, with more restraint than his Spanish counterparts. Faced with Milei’s visit to Spain to participate in the Vox convention, the government and the PSOE once again brought out the heavy artillery. Sánchez and his vice-presidents Ribera and Díaz dedicated harsh invectives to Milei at their rallies on Saturday, at the same time that the businessmen were demonstrating that it is possible to be smarter and more practical and held a cordial and productive meeting with him at the Argentine Embassy in Madrid.
Personally, I do not think it is appropriate for a visiting foreign leader to address our domestic issues in order to call the Spanish president’s wife «corrupt». I do not think that this is not the way high politics should be conducted. But this diplomatic war was opened by Sánchez, his government and his media, who simply cannot stand anyone who dares to confront the dogmas of the misnamed «progressivism». While the Argentine people were plunged into the misery, hyperinflation, corruption and insecurity of Peronism, Sánchez and his palmeros had not the slightest objection. But when Milei arrives and proposes to tackle the endemic ills of Argentina’s leftist disease with a shock treatment, then – alas – the wailing and the insults to the dangerous reactionary begin. Plunging your people into misery and violence is all very well, it is «progressive». Trying to fix it with fiscal consolidation, legal certainty and liberal prescriptions is «fascism». That is our left.
We are dragging a lousy and amateurish diplomacy, with a foreign minister insufferable in his ridiculous petulance and a president who rides around in the Falcon thinking he is changing the sign of the world. The truth is that they have plunged Spain into international irrelevance, they have broken with a country as dear and close to Spain as Argentina, and they parade us around the world as the standard bearers of Hamas, as an Israeli minister has just pointed out.
So, less theatrics of offended dignity in search of electoral gains and more cleaning up the kitchen at home so that no one can point the finger of corruption at a woman who, moreover, is currently mired in the courts for a clear case of influence peddling. Regardless of what the judge decides about her, what is already known is politically inadmissible and in a democracy that is cleaner than the present one, it would be politically inadmissible.

Liberalismo no es ni derecha ni izquierda
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